Is it possible to have a patch that will only start the game in 2014?

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Re: Is it possible to have a patch that will only start the game in 2014?

Message non lu par VincenzOM »

:mdr: :mdr: :mrgreen:

Et ça c'est dans le Larousse :mrgreen:
Représentation pictographique de petite dimension affichée sur l'écran d'un ordinateur, symbolisant un programme et correspondant à l'exécution d'une tâche particulière. (L'icône, en tant que repère visuel, facilite la circulation dans un logiciel ou sur Internet.)
Bordel tu nous et me voit parler comme ça ici ou devant mes clients :mdr: :mdr: :mdr:
Gonfleur de Ballons
Gonfleur de Ballons
Messages : 168
Enregistré le : 01 déc. 2012 00:19

Re: Is it possible to have a patch that will only start the game in 2014?

Message non lu par ChrisP »

ok, I reinstalled the game, all my files are in the folder. I did a test. The issue was in fact the shortcut for the editor 14-15 version. This time, when I created a shortcut in the root directory of the editor, then transfered it to my desktop or toolbar, it functionned without any errors appearing. If I created the shortcut directly on my desktop or toolbar, the 14-15 editor displayed the error.

If I right click the "ea"/FM14 editor/ the one that comes with the game, to create a shortcut on my desktop or toolbar it, it functions without errors, yet the error appears if I do the same thing with the 14-15 editor file. If I create the shortcut in my root directory then transfer it, the editor still works.

Conclusion, there is a problem, something goes wrong with the 14-15 editor if the shortcut is not created at the root folder before being moved to another location.
Gonfleur de Ballons
Gonfleur de Ballons
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Enregistré le : 01 déc. 2012 00:19

Re: Is it possible to have a patch that will only start the game in 2014?

Message non lu par ChrisP »

so here is the screen
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Re: Is it possible to have a patch that will only start the game in 2014?

Message non lu par VincenzOM »

The location is not good : You have in your screen : "C:\Documents and Settings\your name\Application Data"
But you must have : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\FIFA Manager 14"

Gonfleur de Ballons
Gonfleur de Ballons
Messages : 168
Enregistré le : 01 déc. 2012 00:19

Re: Is it possible to have a patch that will only start the game in 2014?

Message non lu par ChrisP »

I use windows Xp, the reason the location is in my user settings, is because the shortcut is on my personal toolbar and desktop, it is a shortcut/relay to the actual executable file that is in my main root directory, that is where it is suppose to be, in my program's file directory.....I don't have an x86/two progam file directories with XP..
I am not a moron...I can read, I know where the files are suppose to go, I've been editing and playing this game for 4 years already. I am showing you guys that when I create the shortcut in the root directory then transfer it to the desktop or toolbar, the file size is not the same as the shortcut when I use the right click function to drag/drop a shortcut/create the relay directly at the location where the shortcut will be. Hence, both files do not contain the same amount of information in them/data thus there is something wrong with your EXECUTABLE FILES. THANK YOU

I am not COPYING the executable to my desktop nor am I copying the exe to my toolbar...I am making a SHORTCUT
Gonfleur de Ballons
Gonfleur de Ballons
Messages : 168
Enregistré le : 01 déc. 2012 00:19

Re: Is it possible to have a patch that will only start the game in 2014?

Message non lu par ChrisP »

comme ça=pas d'erreur...2 étapes pour créer un lien
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Gonfleur de Ballons
Gonfleur de Ballons
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Enregistré le : 01 déc. 2012 00:19

Re: Is it possible to have a patch that will only start the game in 2014?

Message non lu par ChrisP »

créer le lien en une étape= error message
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Manager Général
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Enregistré le : 15 déc. 2012 16:20
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Re: Is it possible to have a patch that will only start the game in 2014?

Message non lu par VincenzOM »

Ah ok je n'avais pas compris que tu avais windows xp, tout s'explique maintenant ok :ok: , mais on ne pouvait pas savoir :clin1: , et pas de problèmes :clin1:

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