hi! 'v got some questions!

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Brouteur Pelouse
Brouteur Pelouse
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Enregistré le : 03 août 2018 10:40

hi! 'v got some questions!

Message non lu par Sup103 »

hi , guys! i'm new here, but i'm old fan of FIFAM

i recently heard that FIFAM's still going on and started to play FIFAM again

but 've got some questions about patches and etc.

first of all, sry for my language. unfortunately, i don't speak french (((

so i left my post in eng. here my questions.

1. i can see that there are so many special-faces in LFP18 (much more than fifam12 - it was my last fifam series. since 2011, i haven't played fifam series)
i wonder, how does it work? i mean, in fifam12, as far as i remember, face ids (slots) are so limited.
can u make more surplus -slots in LFP for non- modeled players?

2. i usually play EPL in fifam , but ur panel - patches are for ligue1 (france league) . so , how can i use these panels in EPL (or other leauges) ? i really want to use that panel-patche :))

3. i want to use 18-19 uniform kits , and i have some for fifam14 (png files). but dunno how should i use it and where should i put it.
need some help!

thk u for reading , and i'm trully grateful for ur efforts ! i really enjoy playing LFP18
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Re: hi! 'v got some questions!

Message non lu par JJacq »

That's a lot of questions.

When you say "special faces", are they 3D faces?

For the 3D billboard patch, if that's what you're talking about, it's not just France. Even if it is in French, read the description of it well.

For the kits, it is rather complex, and for that it is necessary that you go to see in tutorials section.
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Brouteur Pelouse
Brouteur Pelouse
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Re: hi! 'v got some questions!

Message non lu par Sup103 »

first of all, thank you for reaply.

and yes, '3d faces' . but got problems.

i already know that face-works of fifa10 also works in FIFAM14. but got problem

i wanted to do face-patches on some players and i did (i checked faceids.txt and put o, fsh, tga files one by one into the folder Fifa manger 18> 3D > faces > , and when i checked it out by editor , it worked)

but in game, patches didn't imported well ( as u can see , it is successfully done by editor, but in game - not / i tested it by 'lukaku, Manchester united' and others)

i don't know what is wrong exactly , and i wanna know how i can fix this problem. pls help me !!

and matter of 3D billboards - i'm not sure why - in game (EPL) , it doesn't work well, but i'll solve this all by myself , so not a problem.

+ plus, matter of 3d faces - u mentioned 'new faces' int this post - viewtopic.php?f=116&t=3721&start=50 , and that's what i ask u about. i wanna know - can u assign more surplus -new faces ? that's all i wanna know

once again, thx for ur efforts . i'm big fan of fifam series.
and sry for my language - i'm korean , and speak korean, english, russian only.
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Re: hi! 'v got some questions!

Message non lu par JJacq »

Okay, I understand better about your problem with the 3D faces. For this to work in 3D match, you must also put the 4 files in zdatas 49, 50, 51 and 52.

For the texture file present in zdata_50.big, in addition to renaming it, extract it, modify it with the hexadecimal editor the internal ID at the end of the file, and reintegrate it.

Pass me what you have as 3D faces to include, that I test on my side. :clin1:

For 3D panels, if you find the solution, don't hesitate to share it. :mrgreen:
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Brouteur Pelouse
Brouteur Pelouse
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Re: hi! 'v got some questions!

Message non lu par Sup103 »

thx for replying , JJacq
now i'm testing and updating so many 3d-faces (including players which already have their own 3d-faces ).
since i don't know how to assign new 3d-faces to non-modeling player , i replaced many old 3d-fcaes with new ones
(right now i'm using bosingwa's faceid for mbappe's 3d-faces :triste: )
but with ur help ( if u can assign more faceid to young , rookie players - like mbappe , for example) - it would be better.
i can send u some files for testing of 3d-faces. where should i mail it? let me know.

+ as far as i remeber , in fifa10 , to assign 3d-face for non-modeling players , have to make another zdata and put files needed(o, fsh, tga hair files) into zdata. does it work in fifam series too? of course i can test it by myself, but i need an expert opinion. and if it works, what next?
i mean, wanna know whole process of assigning new face-ids. it's like, enigma to me :pleurs:
thx again, JJacq . :merci2:
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Re: hi! 'v got some questions!

Message non lu par JJacq »

I don't understand. I gave you the zdata numbers we added to the game so you could see what's inside. According to that, you add in the files concerned. :suspect:

To send me your sample files, you can do it here. Just "zip" them and attach them to your message. :clin1:
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